
West of the Tracks

王兵 Wang Bing

鐵西區 I ─ 工廠
West of the Tracks I - Rust

中國 China│2003│DigiBeta│Colour│240min

鐵西區 II ─ 豔粉街
West of the Tracks II - Remnants

中國 China│2003│DigiBeta│Colour│176min

鐵西區 III ─ 鐵路
West of the Tracks III - Rails

中國 China│2003│DigiBeta│Colour│135min

2002 里斯本國際紀錄片影展首獎
2003 南特影展紀錄片首獎
2003 日本山形國際紀錄片影展國際競賽首獎
2003 馬賽國際紀錄片影展首獎


Filmed over the course of two years between 1999 and 2001 and details the slow decline of Shenyang’s industrial Tiexi district, an area that was once a vibrant example of China’s socialist economy. With the move towards other industries, however, the factories of Tiexi have all begun to be closed down, and with them, much of the district’s worker-based infrastructure and social constructs. Over 9 hours long, the film consists of three parts, “Rust,”“Remnants” and “Rails.”

7/12 (五) 10:50 華光二廳 《鐵西區 I ─ 工廠》
7/12 (五) 15:30 華光二廳 《鐵西區 II ─ 豔粉街》
7/12 (五) 19:00 華光二廳 《鐵西區 III ─ 鐵路》


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