鍾孟宏 Chung Mong-hong
台灣 Taiwan│2013│DCP│Colour│111min
阿川生病,完全變了個人,被送回老家靜養,父親一看就知事情不單純,但他不動聲色。直到有天進家門,才發現阿川的姊姊躺在血泊裡,而阿川彷彿無動於衷⋯⋯究竟他是失心瘋了,還是更難解釋的靈異現象?台北電影獎、金馬獎雙料最佳導演鍾孟宏混合各類型元素,另闢蹊徑開創又一種難以歸類的精彩典型,再度展現台片難得一見的精緻影像。張孝全的內斂與王羽的外放旗鼓相當;加上戴立忍、陳湘琪、金士傑、庹宗華、梁赫群、納豆等堅強組合,絕對是 2013 超級強棒。
An unsettling thriller which takes an unflinching look at demonic possession. A-chuan is a quiet 30-year-old chef working in a Japanese restaurant. One day he abruptly collapses unconscious and is rushed to a hospital. He is then sent back to his father’s home in the mountain to recuperate, where he remains catatonic and mute, until one day...
6/28 (五) 中山堂 19:30 (影人座談)
7/14 (日) 華山一廳 13:30