【百萬首獎】Grand Prize
【最佳紀錄片】Best Documentary
《築巢人》A Rolling Stone
Statement of the Jury:
The film unflinchingly documents this unsettling family story through its calm, controlled and precise photography. It looks directly into the unsolvable dilemma at the heart of the relationship between the father and son. The film language is mature and shows a filmmaker whose aesthetics reach beyond simple categorization.
【最佳劇情長片】Best Narrative Feature
Statement of the Jury:
A well-executed attempt at a genre that is rare in Taiwanese cinema. The contribution from all of the technical departments is outstanding and provides a feast for the senses.
【最佳短片】Best Short Film
《救命》The Coward
Statement of the Jury:
Within the limited scope of a short film, it presents an accurate portrayal of the issues of bullying among teenagers without pretension. The performance from the lead actor, River Huang, is especially outstanding.
【最佳動畫片】Best Animation
《幸福路上》On Happiness Road
Statement of the Jury:
This lovely, moving story is well-executed in its simplicity and fully expresses its local Taiwanese perspective. Its artistic setting and exceptional voice performance are especially noteworthy.
Statement of the Jury:
In only 6 minutes,this film bring us amazing cinematic experience,without any dialogue, the director capture the poetry of the world, just with a figure on a glass
【最佳導演獎】Best Director
詹京霖 CHAN Ching-Lin
《狀況排除》A Breath From The Bottom
Statement of the Jury:
A fine achievement, that manages, in terms of its scale and scope, to contradict the expectations of a short film. From narrative to mise-en-scène, it demonstrates a high command of all aspects of filmmaking.
【最佳編劇獎】Best Screenplay
林真豪 LIN Chen-Hao
《阿嬤的夢中情人》Forever Love
Statement of the Jury:
ugh the script works with plot lines and scenarios that are nostalgic and often familiar, it nevertheless, successfully creates an emotional power that both captivates and moves audiences.
【最佳男主角獎】Best Actor
王羽 Jimmy WONG
Statement of the Jury:
This is a delicate and well-crafted performance in which the acting is subtle and minimal, expressing emotions through the tiniest of details to give the audience a progressive sense of fear.
【最佳女主角】Best Actress
林彥禛 LIN Yen-Cheng
《回家作業》My Last Homework
Statement of the Jury:
For an actress of such a young age, the performance is very composed, showing little sign of uncertainty. The changes of emotion are clearly registered. It is a performance that controls the tempo of the film.
【最佳男配角獎】Best Supporting Actor
蔡明修 TSAI Ming-Husan
《狀況排除》A Breath From The Bottom
Statement of the Jury:
Through this energetic and authentic performance, the actor successfully achieves the feat of allowing audiences to identify with a character that is not initially or obviously appealing.
【最佳女配角獎】Best Supporting Actress
尹馨 YIN Shin
《權力過程》The Will To Power
Statement of the Jury:
In this controlled performance that does not resort to stereotype, the actress conveys to the audience the subtle changes in the character’s psychology.
【最佳新演員獎】Best Narrative Feature
黃劭揚 HUANG Shao-Yang
Statement of the Jury:
This seemingly improvised performance is both naturalistic and vivid and delivered with a charm and energy that drives the film. It demonstrates an actor with an unlimited potential.
【最佳攝影獎】Best Cinematography
中島長雄 NAKASHIMA Nagao
Statement of the Jury:
The composition of every frame convincingly expresses the atmosphere and the environment of the film’s story, and successfully uses photography to reflect the power of violence and fear.
【最佳剪輯獎】Best Editing
黃冠鈞 HUANG Kuan-Chun
《築巢人》A Rolling Stone
Statement of the Jury:
The editing is much more than simply the connecting of scenes. Rather, it demonstrates a precise control over the rhythm, the meaning and the power of time in each shot, to effectively present the perspective of the film.
【最佳音樂獎】Best Music
曾思銘 TSENG Si-Ming
Statement of the Jury:
Compared to the often excessive use of over-wrought music in many Taiwanese films, the music here is admirably restrained and appropriate to its story, assisting in the creation of the film’s chilling atmosphere.
【最佳整體技術獎】Best Technical Achievements
攝影:周宜賢Patrick CHOU
聲音設計:杜篤之TU Dun-Chih
剪輯:李棟全Wenders LI、江翊寧
音樂:王希文 Owen WANG
美術:蔡珮玲 Penny TSAI Pei-Ling
造型:魏湘容 WEI Hsiang-Jung
特效:鄒志聖CHAU Chi Shing, Chas、陳
志豪CHAN Chi Ho、林哲民Johnny LIN、蘇文聖Shaun SU
《南方小羊牧場》When A Wolf Falls In Love With A Sheep
Statement of the Jury:
Across the range of technical disciplines, the team delivers with a maturity that is rare in Taiwanese cinema, and that successfully supports the director to create an outstanding work.
【媒體推薦獎】Press Award
Statement of the Jury:
The film captures the interaction of its characters with their living space in the city in a subtle way and with humor that is naturalistic. As such, the film effectively creates the processes of change in life through the most simple and mundane of thing.
【觀眾票選獎】Audience Choice Award
《一首搖滾上月球》Rock Me To The Moon
【卓越貢獻獎】Outstanding Contribution Award
焦雄屏 Peggy Chiao