湯姆修法勒 Tom Shoval
以色列 Israel / 德國 Germany│2012│35mm│Colour│107min
2013 柏林影展
Yaki and Shaul live with their parents in Petah Tikva, a satellite town of Tel Aviv. Yaki is doing military service. While Yaki is on a tour of duty, Shaul pursues a pretty young girl, filming her every move on his mobile phone and sending his brother the clips. They kidnap the girl, hide her in a cellar and then place a call demanding a huge ransom for her release. But they’ve forgotten that today is Shabbat and their victim’s orthodox family will not answer the phone …
6/30 (日) 16:20 中山堂 (影人座談)
7/03 (三) 14:20 中山堂 (影人座談)