Present Tense
貝爾敏索雷梅絲 Belmin Söylemez
土耳其 Turkey│2012│DCP│Colour│110min
2012 伊斯坦堡影展
2012 伊斯坦堡影展本片透過神奇的「咖啡占卜」反映土耳其都會女性的生命困境。失業的年輕女子米娜為存錢圓夢,雖無經驗仍接下咖啡占卜師的工作。她在咖啡館裡等待客人喝完咖啡,藉由研讀杯底的咖啡渣來算命。她解讀那些女人的焦慮,也重新認識自己的挫折與渴望,發現通往每個秘密的路徑,也通往了她自己。在現實生活的零碎渣滓中,她能看見自己的未來嗎?
Mina is a jobless woman who yearns for a new life. Despite her lack of experience, she finds a job as a coffee fortune teller, who reads future from coffee cups in a café, to earn enough savings for her dream. However, complications arise with both customers and fellow staff members, and she discovers that in real life, the future may not be so easily predictable…
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