Behind the Camera
李在容 E J-yong
南韓 South Korea│2012│ DCP│Colour│85min
導演能否透過遠端視訊,在世界另一端遙控執導電影?《醜聞》導演李在容找來工作人員和明星拍攝新片,卻在開拍當日才告訴大家他人在洛杉磯,只能透過 Skype 視訊導戲!導演缺席的劇組漸漸失序混亂,大家紛紛私下暗罵「導演瘋了」,甚至大打出手,這部電影最後能完成嗎?戲裡戲外李在容都是導演,實驗概念新穎,趣味橫生。
What happens if a director decides to make his film via Skype? Gathering on the first day shoot for E J-yong’s new film, the cast and crew are astonished to discover that their director is far away in Los Angeles. No sooner does he greet his troupe from a large monitor screen, than the first rehearsals are underway, lights are set up and the camera positioned.
7/08 (一) 14:50 中山堂
7/12 (五) 20:10 新光二廳