Pretty Butterflies
薩爾瓦托墨魯 Salvatore Mereu
義大利 Italy│2012│ DCP│Colour│100min
2012 威尼斯影展競賽
2013 鹿特丹影展大銀幕獎
A day in the life of 12-year-old Caterina who, from the slums of Cagliari, spreads her optimistic view of the world on the large-scale wrongs she sees around her. She has a tyrannical father and a horde of brothers and sisters, most of whom are up to no good. She talks openly - occasionally straight into the camera - about her love for the boy next door, and her best friend Luna.
7/11 (四) 12:00 中山堂
7/13 (六) 13:10 新光二廳